Instruments of the Orchestra
Double Bass
The double bass is the largest and deepest sounding instrument of the orchestra. Imagine JAWS.. That's your bass!
Bass is the backbone of the orchestra. Basses make sure everyone is steady by laying down a strong rhythmic foundation for the other instruments to lean on!
Fun Fact: The electric bass has the same strings and notes at the double bass. This means that if you can play the classical bass for orchestra, you can also play electric bass for the rock band your friends are thinking of starting up! Just make sure to invite me to the concert! :)
Cello is the second largest instrument of the orchestra family. The sound is deeper than a viola and higher than a bass. It is played sitting down. Cello is becoming an increasingly popular instrument in modern songs and in pop bands!
Fun Fact: A cello's range is the closest to the human voice! Try singing a song, any song. You just imitated a cello!
Am I a violin? Am I a small cello? Nope, I'm a VIOLA!
Want to play a small instrument that still has a lower, deeper sound? Look no further than the viola!
Violas are unique in that they can play high melodies like the violins and can hang with the cellos in the lower registers of their deep C strings! It's the best of both worlds!
The violin! This is the instrument most people think of when they hear the words "Orchestra" or "Classical Music". Violins are the highest pitched instrument of the orchestra family, which means they are also the smallest. Violinists excel at playing melodies because their high sound carries very far.
Here Is What We Sound Like Together!